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Here are my courses in physics, mathematics, engineering, and education that emphasize a street-fighting, intelligence-amplification approach (the course materials are available at the given links).

Teaching College Level Science and Engineering (with video lectures).

18.098/6.099. Street-Fighting Mathematics (MIT, IAP 2007, 2008, 2009) | OpenCourseWare site.

6.055/2.038. Art of Approximation in Science and Engineering (MIT, Spring 2008, 2009, 2010) | OpenCourseWare site.

6.003. Signals and Systems (MIT, Fall 2007)

8.298. Lies and Damn Lies (MIT, IAP 2006)

Numbersight Consulting LLC | numbersight.com | sanjoy@numbersight.com | +1 617.849.0409 | 950 Massachusetts Ave Suite 613 | Cambridge, MA 02139, USA